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Monday, November 26, 2012

Here I am...

My name is Jeremy Hefner, and as 2012 is nearing its end, I am waking up to a new beginning in my life.  I find that as I grow older, many of the things I thought I knew don't seem to be true anymore, and other things that I had earlier dismissed are in fact as real as real gets.  I have a lot of unlearning to do.

Part of that unlearning is a re-evaluation of my life in faith.  You see, I was raised in the church, and like so many others in that circumstance, much of my life in faith went unexamined; many people don't know the reasons for the things they think they believe.  As I grow and change, I see that my faith must also grow and change.  In addition, I think that the church in general must grow and change, or it, like all other living things that don't grow, will eventually die.

This blog will be about the things I have learned and continue to learn along the way.  It will look at the intricacies of life seen through the lens of an evolving faith.  It will look at mistakes I have made, and will continue (I'm sure) to make in the future.  This blog will deal with life lessons with which I am coming to terms, and the adjustments in perspective I am occasionally forced to make.  It will also deal with things that are seemingly unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but which still seem to occupy so much of our time here in the 21st century.

Walking the Path Today will remain an open-ended experiment in relating my thoughts, ideas, and experiences to others.  I am hopeful that it will be found useful for some, and entertaining for others, but at least a little bit thought-provoking for the majority.  But for now, just remember that sometimes, the questions are more important than the answers.

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